Join us for this interesting customer case during this webinar.
How De Lijn wants to make its employees co-drivers of its own file
Since 2015, we invested a lot of resources in the development of back-end systems to support the administration of the HR departments. Now we focus on increasing the Employee Experience of our employees from recruitment to termination of the contract. We need an improvement in the collaboration on the employee file where we put our employees back in the driver seat. For that we have started Better Together. We are going to have the employee himself do actions that go beyond the traditional Employee Self Service where they support HR in delivering the data. By providing a HR-case management tool in which Employee Central Service Centre will be the central operating system, the employee will have access to a 24/7 treatment of their file. Document generation (Scriptura), Digitization of requests (SAP BTP Process Automation), Ticket tracking (Employee Central Service Center), On/Off/Cross-boarding, Workflow orchestration, Digital Staff Dossier (OpenText xECM), Artificial Intelligence scenarios and machine learning should give our employees and management self-reliance.