
Why does charge Membership?


Information for SAP Customer Membership – operates as non-profit organisation, as do all SAP User Groups.  The core ownership for a User Group depends on volunteers to drive the operations and all events, agendas included. But, in order to ensure all events and offerings are world class and each attendee is in fact well looked after at an event, and information is regularly shared, globally all User Groups do invoice an annual membership fee. Membership 2024

For €1000 a year*, ALL employees of your company will continue to have free access to our flagship events, Master Classes, the full content of our website and all other services;
*January 1st 2024 until December 31 2024.

Contact us for more information:
Brigitte Van Dam – Operations :
General mail address:

Many benefits are included in the annual SAP User Group Membership, differentiation made between Customer Members and Partner Members.

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Information for SAP Partner Membership –

Ensuring caters to all SAP Partners, within the fees are costings, allowing SAP Partners whom have not taken a full Sponsorship Membership to participate with the aim that they will grow in time and possibly become a Level 1 Partner Member.

In saying this, the main focus is to work with all partners and to assist them in collaborating with as many new customers as possible, but nothing that any User Group under the SAP User Group Banner cannot be used as a “Sales Pitch Platform”, but allowing each User Group to showcase service offerings or products. And whenever possible to bring your “Customer Success Stories” to the forefront of the community and to assist them in presenting you as a partner.

All that is required in a paid-up membership as listed below and for further ease of reference, you can download the PDF.

Already convinced of becoming a partner of
Download our registration form here.

Do not hesitate to contact us in case you would like to know more about our Partner Packages.
We will be glad to answer all of your questions!


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