Mindfulness with SAP – Self Awareness

SAP invite you to join our mindfulness series to give yourself a break from the fast paced nature of day-to-day life and heighten your self-awareness. Taking a mindful moment incites huge benefits – from greater satisfaction, focus, and peace-of-mind to stronger relationships and higher performance at work and beyond. Join our Mindfulness Ambassadors in practice to deepen your self-awareness, practice attention training real-time, and discover ways to integrate self-awareness into your daily routine.

Self-Compassion – is about finding a kinder and friendlier way to relate to yourself. The aim is to cultivate kindness, understanding and empathy toward yourself, to recognise that your negative emotions and thoughts are harming you and to cut yourself a break by changing the conversation in your head.


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12:00 - 12:30

Mindfulness with SAP